COVID-19 has been tough on all of us

Right now, it’s no secret that being a human is pretty difficult.  We are experiencing a global pandemic that’s totally novel in our lifetimes.We’re getting used to wearing masks that most of us have never had to wear them before, we’re social distancing from others, and we don’t get to travel like we’re used to.

There is a brighter side to COVID-19

Wildlife, on the other hand, is having an overall wonderful year.  Animals that are traditionally hunted as trophies are experiencing more safety, bee populations are growing with less pollution in the air, and marine life right here in the Similan Islands is benefitting from the lessened human traffic.

This year, sea turtle populations on and around the Similan Islands are flourishing.  More nests are being placed, more turtles are surviving, and there have even been sightings of nests from the elusive and endangered leatherback turtle.

Fewer Tourists – Less Pollution

It is easy to make an association between lowered human disturbance and growing turtle populations, however it is important to examine more closely which human behaviors that have been removed or lessened are benefiting the turtles.  With fewer humans in the equation, pollution is reduced.  This can include anything from garbage left on beaches and washed into the ocean to boat gas pollution and even human urine which can change the pH of the water.

trash from the beach

All of these are present at higher levels when people are free to travel.  Plastic pollution is particularly harmful to turtles, as plastic bags bear a striking resemblance to jellyfish, a main staple of most sea turtle diets

Light Pollution

This even applies to light pollution.  Sea turtles nest on beaches, and hatched babies are reliant on the light of the moon on the ocean to find their way into the water, however this has become increasingly difficult with beachfront hotels giving them a second light source.  With all of these things lessened by a lower volume of people, the turtles have a chance to increase their population.

Tourism isn’t all bad

Recognising all of the benefits to the sea turtle populations is important, however maintaining this way of life is unrealistic.  People who rely on tourism as their source of income are suffering.  Tourism also fosters a love for the beauty of the ocean, and instills values that are essential to continued conservation, which are benefits that are essential to keeping our oceans healthy in the future.

What can we do for the future?

With that in mind, we must ask ourselves how we can do a better job coexisting with sea turtles, and marine life.  On an individual level, making sure your garbage is disposed of properly is an excellent way to start, while cleaning up garbage at a beach or park is a great way to take it a step further.  Perhaps beaches can provide more conveniently place garbage receptacles in order to encourage all beachgoers to do so as well.

trash hero

In order to reduce light pollution, hotels have several options to make positive changes.  They could incentivise a stay during sea turtle laying season by offering a discount in exchange for hotel guests agreeing to dim their lights after sundown.  Another option would be to tint the glass in windows, or make sure the curtains in each room are thick enough not to let light out onto the beach.

The positive of COVID-19

The positives for wildlife that have come with this remarkable year are too great to ignore, and hopefully as the world begins its return to normalcy, those benefits can be retained as well.

Scuba Diving with Go2Similan

At Go2Similan we follow all recommendations regarding health and hygiene standards when diving and we have new procedures in place to ensure that gear is disinfected and all recommendations are being met. Our priority is always your comfort and safety.

  • If you’d like to learn to dive
  • if you are a certified diver and you’d like to join a dive trip,
  • find out about a diving liveaboard or
  • if you have any questions about diving, health or corona virus and diving

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